It's human nature: The more you drive, the more confident you feel in your driving skills — and perhaps the more lax you get about bad driving habits.

Unfortunately, driver error often is the main cause of crashes, according to the experts at The Carlson Law Firm. Here are 10 bad habits they suggest you remain vigilant against to decrease your chances of having a crash:

  1. Eating while driving
  2. Ignoring traffic signs
  3. Failure to check blind spots
  4. Failure to use turn signals
  5. Tailgating
  6. Driving above the posted speed limit
  7. Reckless driving
  8. Not sharing the road
  9. Accelerating when the light turns yellow
  10. Cellphone use

For many drivers, some of these might not even register as risks, but they all do increase the overall chance of a crash or injury. Take the time to allow others to merge, stop completely to check for pedestrians or other vehicles, allow enough space between vehicles, etc.

The number of pedestrians killed in accidents involving SUVs has skyrocketed by 81% in the last 10 years, but of course, a crash can occur with any vehicle.

If you or a loved one has been injured due to another driver's carelessness, trust the team at The Carlson Law Firm to help you navigate your personal injury claim. They care, and they can help you get the compensation you deserve at no up-front cost to you. Click here or call 254-526-5688 to learn more and schedule a free consultation.