What a game, what a game. The US men’s soccer team put up a fight to the very last GUT WRENCHING second, and again with the emphasis on GUT WRENCHING because that’s what it felt like.

If you tuned in to watch Tuesday’s match against Belgium, then you know what I’m talking about, but if not here is a quick synopsis. USA and Belgium were tied 0-0 by the end of the 90 minutes regulation time, and although that sounds boring, it was anything but. Belgium was firing shots left and right at our goal, but luckily Tim Howard’s ninja skills kept them out of the net and he also set a World Cup record with 16 saves… Insane.  Then the game went on to two 15 minute halves, during the first half Belgium sank our hopes by scoring 2 goals. I was watching with a room full of people and the silence was deafening. Then with our spirits still low, the 2nd 15 minute half began and to our shock, Julian Green whom had just come off the bench as our last substitute, scored a spirit-lifting goal. There was only about 7 minutes left to score another goal to tie it and force the game to go to a shoot out, I don’t think I blinked that entire time. Unfortunately the clock ran out and our time on the field was up. Although the match ended in defeat for the US, it was a great run and an exciting time for our country to come together and root for our team. Now we just have to wait four more years for the next World Cup… I believe that we will win!

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