Keep Your Cool by Managing Common Causes of Road Rage
Road rage — aggressive driving, yelling at other drivers, or using rude gestures — is more common than you might realize or want to admit to yourself.

How Divorced Parents Can Plan for Extended Summer Visitation
Reading through the Texas Standard Possession Schedule can be confusing, but The Carlson Law Firm broke it all down, explaining key terms and rules.

10 Things You Should Stop Doing While Driving
It's easy to let bad driving habits creep into your routine, but avoiding distracted driving like the habits listed here will make roads safer for everyone.

Does Racial Bias Affect Personal Injury Case Outcomes?
The Carlson Law Firm discusses biases against people of color and factors to consider when hiring a culturally competent attorney.

Texas High School Seniors, Apply for This Scholarship by April 18
The Carlson Law Firm is awarding two Carlson Cares Scholarships of $2,500 each. Here's how to apply.

The Carlson Law Firm Advice: What to Wear to Court
No one likes to be judged on their appearance, but judges, jurors, and other attorneys often have to quickly assess your credibility. Here are some guidelines.

You Need to Act Fast if You’re In a Car Wreck This Holiday Season. Here’s Why.
If the unthinkable does happen, be sure to act quickly and secure a personal injury attorney. The experts at The Carlson Law Firm explain why.

This Should Be Your Top Priority in Hiring a Personal Injury Attorney
You should hire a personal injury attorney with trial experience, according to the experts at The Carlson Law Firm. Here's why.

Do You Really Need a Divorce Attorney?
The experts at The Carlson Law Firm weigh in on this common question and offer tips on how to find the right fit for you and your case.

Simplifying Summer Visitation: Expert Tips from The Carlson Law Firm
Navigating summer visitation schedules can be difficult for divorced parents. The Carlson Law Firm is here to help make sense of the summer visitation codes.