Galveston, Texas has come together as a tight knit community to mourn the loss of a baby that was found unresponsive in the middle of the road around 10 AM yesterday morning. Life saving measures were performed on the little girl and she was transported to the trauma center at the University of Texas Medical Branch, but sadly she was pronounced dead shortly after arriving.

Read More: New Technology Results With Mother Arrested In Texas Cold Case

Channel Yonko of Houston was quickly arrested at a nearby restaurant a short time after the baby was discovered by Galveston Police, and she has now been charged with the Capital Murder of her daughter, 17 month old Hannah Yonko.

KHOU 11/Canva
KHOU 11/Canva

Texas Baby Murder Blamed On Mother Throwing Her From Balcony

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According to this KHOU article,

"Yonko intentionally threw her daughter from the third-floor balcony of the Beachfront Palms Hotel."

Read More: Baby Shot And Killed In Their TX Car Seat Now Under Investigation

Reports indicate the baby was likely stabbed multiple times before falling.

WARNING: Following details of Hanna Yonko's death are very graphic.

According to this KHOU article, Hannah's body fell from the third floor upon a grassy area below, the 17 month old then rolled off of the hotel property onto 59th Street, and still had signs of life when the first responders arrived on the scene.

Read More: New Murder Arrest After Cold Case DNA Breakthrough In Texas

The investigation is ongoing, but as of now Channel Yonko sits in jail and denied bond with a Capital Murder charge.

The Lost Children of Texas: Unsolved Amber Alerts

Amber Alerts are not issued for all missing children. In 2023 for example, Texas issued 49 Amber Alerts. According to NBCDFW, of the 183 total Amber Alerts issued in the United States in 2023, 26% of cases were resolved successfully. Below are some of the cases you never hear about. Amber Alerts were issued for these children, but they still haven't been found. Please see if you recognize any of them.

Gallery Credit: Chad Hasty

The Top 12 Cold Cases in Texas

Can you help solve one of these? These are the top 12 cold cases that the Texas Rangers Unsolved Homicide website

Gallery Credit: Texas Department of Public Safety

Texas Death Row: A Look The Life & Crimes Of Every Inmate Executed In 2023

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Gallery Credit: Renee Raven

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