Overnight closures of both north and southbound lanes of I-35 are planned in Temple next week, so you'll want to plan alternate routes.

TxDOT's Jodi Wheatley issued a media release Monday containing the following advisories:

Southbound mainlanes on I-35 near 57th St. will be closed Monday, October 1 and Tuesday, October 2 from 7PM to 7 AM. I-25 Southbound traffic will detour off I-35 at Exit 301 (Adams Ave/Central Ave). Travelers will be directed through the Central Ave/Adams Ave intersections by police officers and flaggers and re-enter I-35 before S. Loop 363.

Northbound mainlanes on I-35 near 57th St. will be closed Wednesday, Oct. 3 from 8PM to 7AM and Thursday, Oct. 4 from 9PM to 8AM. I-35 northbound will detour off I-35 Exit 300 (5th St/Ave H/Central Ave). Travelers will be directed through the Central Ave/Adams Ave intersections by police officers and flaggers and re-enter I-35 at Central Ave.

The purpose of the closures is to allow contractors space to safely work on the new 57th St. overpass.

The map below shows the planned detours. We recommend skipping I-35 entirely, either by taking Loop 363 around town or taking 317 west of town.

I-35 Closures First Week of October, 2018

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