A Few Things Texans Need To Know Before Early Voting
Early voting in Texas starts on Tuesday, February 18th. Before you hit the polls on Super Tuesday, here're a few things you may want to know.
Texans will head to the polls by March 3 to select their major party candidates for several statewide races and legislative seats. Carla Astudillio with the Texas Tribune put together a fantastic article explaining how the process works.
So most folks are aware that the presidential primary elections are happening. If no candidate receives a majority of the vote in the primary, the top two vote-getters will compete in a primary runoff on May 26.
On the state level, Texans are divided into 150 House districts, 31 Senate districts and 15 State Board of Education districts. Your address determines your district and who represents you.
I'm of the opinion that local elections matter as much if not more than the president. After all, your votes in local elections will directly impact your community. Each of Texas’ 254 counties administers its own elections on races that range from county commissioner seats to district attorneys.
To see many of the local candidates, click here.
We hope you'll take the time to vote in local elections. They really do matter.

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