On tonight's episode (April 25) of 'American Idol,' no one was eliminated from the Top 4, which is comprised of all girls. And no, the judges didn't spend the sole season save, either. The show has built an extra week into production schedule to account for the usage of the save, but since the judges never applied it this season, the producers sorta did.

There is a twist, however.

The votes from this week will be transferred to next week, and thus added to next week's tallies. So whoever has the lowest vote tally after the two weeks are added together will be going home. So the votes on last night's perfs were not wasted.

Despite no elimination, it was still an action packed ep.

Rapper Drake showed up, wearing (what looked like) hospital scrubs from some reason and hugging all the ladies of Season 4. It was a surprise moment, since the producers faked out contestant and favorite-to-win Candice Glover with a little help from Drizzy.

Glover sang his song 'Find Your Love' the night before, and the producers played a voiceover from Drake, since "he couldn't be here tonight." As Glover listened to Drake espouse her virtues via what she thought was a recording, the real thing then came out and surprised her! It was cute.

During the ep, Season 10 cutie Stefano Langone returned to perform his new single 'Yes to Love,' which we were humming in our heads long after he left the stage. Season 9 winner Lee DeWyze also performed his new single, the neo-folky 'Silver Lining.' Um, it sounds more like what Season 11 winner Phillip Phillips would've performed. Him, or Mumford and Sons.

So the Top 4 of Season 12 remains in tact. Tune in next week for more 'Idol.'

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