A blade familiar to millions of Game of Thrones fans is currently on display at Texas A&M's Cushing Museum.

The dagger known as Catspaw has been a driving force in the show's plot ever since it was used in an assassination attempt in season 1, even if it hasn't always been at the forefront. Last night (April 28), Arya Stark wielded it in battle against an army of undead led by the Night King, once again setting Westeros history in motion.

(WARNING: The Houston Chronicle article linked below contains spoilers for the most recent episode of Game of Thrones. Proceed at your own risk!)

The Houston Chronicle reports that the man behind all this madness - author George R.R. Martin - has had a close relationship with the university for decades. He frequently attended the student-run sci-fi convention known as AggieCon, and in the late 80's and early 90's entrusted several manuscripts and other materials to the school's Science Fiction & Fantasy Research Collection.

Rumor has it that Texas A&M may even get one of the Iron Thrones used on set, but nothing's set in stone. Let's keep our fingers crossed!

If you want to get a look at the George R.R. Martin collection, you'll have to book an appointment. Click here to visit the Cushing Library's website for more information.

The video below is a report on the opening of the exhibit back on 2013. It's spoiler-free.

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