They say two heads are better one, but that's certainly not the case with the voices of the Bacerott Brothers. David, 24, and Derek, 21,of San Antonio attempted a cover of Mario's 'Let Me Love You,' and the best you can say here is that they tried.

You can tell that they haven't been at this singing thing too long because they don't know some of the basics like oh, harmonizing, and not singing over each other. You're supposed to compliment each other guys, not try to out-do each other. We can't really tell who was worse at the latter, David or Derek.

What made this even funnier was the fact that they contested to move on to Hollywood, arguing with the judges to go to the next step. Confidence and stubbornness have never gone well together, and this is yet another case. Sometimes it's just better to listen to people who do know and take the advice. Randy said it best: "If you know, then why haven't you made it?"

Watch the Bacerott Brothers Perform Mario's 'Let Me Love You'

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