One of the most lasting Christmas traditions I had with my family while growing up was piling into a car, getting some hot chocolate and then making the drive through neighborhoods known for their spectacular Christmas lights.
John Boehner will resign from his position as Speaker of the House of Representatives, as well as give up his congressional seat, at the end of October.
The Kentucky county clerk who has refused to issue marriage licenses following the Supreme Court's recent decision in favor of same-sex marriage will head to jail for contempt of court.
No one likes wasting their time watching a website take forever to load, and the bane of all video streaming is buffering -- but these five tips will help you avoid those hassles and make your ever-increasing dependence on the internet a lot easier.
Just two hours after he allegedly shot two journalists on live television, Vester Lee Flanagan (aka Bryce Williams) contacted ABC News and faxed them a 23-page document. ABC initially declined to release the material, instead handing it over to authorities to investigate. But now that Flanagan has died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound, the news station has published the pages.