Check Out These Tips, So You Don’t Get Scammed By The Fake IRS!
Someone has been scamming people by pretending to be from the IRS, check out these tips to avoid losing your money and/or identity!
Several people have complained about being scammed by a person pretending to be a representative of the IRS, so now, the IRS has some tips to avoid it happening to you! Don't give any financial info to anyone without verifying who they are, don't just sake their initial word for it!
According to KCEN, these are the IRS' tips:
· Demand that you make a payment right away using a credit, debit or gift card! Nor will they ask you to pay by wire transfer. Most likely, you will receive a letter in the mail before you receive any phone call from the IRS.
· If a caller, who claims to be from the IRS, threatens you that local police or another law-enforcement group will arrest you immediately for not paying a tax bill, that should be a red flag!
· You will have an opportunity to ask a question or appeal the amount owed. The IRS won't demand payment without giving you the chance to do so.
· Ask you to provide credit or debit card numbers over the phone.
If you believe someone has called you supposedly representing the IRS with the intention of scamming you, report the incident to the Treasure Inspector General for Tax Administrator, or TIGTA, at 800-366-4484.