Comedian Funky Dineva is walking back on the comments he made about Jay-Z and his daughter Blue Ivy Carter.

Last Friday (Nov. 30), the comedian formally apologized in a video he posted to YouTube for calling the Carters' first-born daughter "ugly" during an appearance on TS Madison's show The Queen's Court. During the segment, the panel of guests were going in on Hov's appearance when Dineva took things to another level by bringing the young auctioneer into the conversation.

"Blue Ivy ugly too," Dineva responded to his co-hosts.

Almost immediately after making his initial comments, Dineva started to feel the backlash. Social media users pounced on the comedian for his controversial words, which prompted him to offer a sincere apology.

"I'm upset with myself," Dineva said. "I've said some off the wall things before in the name of comedy, and I've stood by them all and defended them all, and told the general public, you know, 'Forget you. You're just gonna have to be mad.' But this is one of those things that I'm not proud of. I can't stand in this one."

"I recognize wholeheartedly that what I did was wrong," Dineva continued. "Find it in your hearts to forgive me. Hopefully, we can get past this." He promises to make efforts in the future to be more mindful of his jokes and "be a better wordsmith when it comes to people's children."

The Carters nor their reps have responded to his apology at the time of this report. Watch Funky Dineva's apology to Blue Ivy and Jay-Z below.

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