Given his reputation as a bit of a hothead, most people have basically assumed that Chris Brown was to blame for whatever went down between him and Frank Ocean on Jan. 27 -- and it shouldn't surprise anyone that one of Ocean's producers is confirming that version of events.

Producer Michael Uzowuru, who says he was present at the studio brawl that erupted between members of Brown and Ocean's entourages, offered his take on the kerfuffle in a blog post (via TMZ). According to Uzowuru, he and Ocean arrived at the studio with a friend named Chito, only to discover that Ocean's parking space (helpfully labeled 'Frank') was already occupied by an orange Lamborghini.

The trio entered the building and asked the employee at the front desk to have the car moved, at which point Brown and a pair of his buddies came out into the lobby and things got violent. "You parked in my spot, move," Uzowuru says Ocean told Brown, which apparently resulted in poor Chito being punched in the face and Ocean being tackled into a "big fake candle display laced with glass." As Uzowuru put it, "There's no doubt in my mind the whole thing was a set up."

Still, even if he blames Brown for what happened, Uzowuru sounds like he's at peace with what happened. "I don't know what type of demons Chris is facing," he mused, "but I hope he clears them all and finds a new life rooted in love and light."

Watch the Frank Ocean 'Pyramids' Video

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