Conversations regarding gun control have continuously taken place since the tragedy that occurred in Uvalde, Texas last year. On Tuesday, April 18th, many individuals travelled to the state capitol of Texas to voice their testimonies regarding various proposals with gun regulations in mind.

The Details Of The Hearings

According to KXAN and Nexstar, multiple Texans made their way to Austin to provide their voice on these proposed legislations. Individuals included were family members of those lost in the Uvalde and Santa Fe tragedies. One example of a bill introduced was from a representative from Uvalde, Tracy King.

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The proposal would make it a felony if an individual in Texas were to hand over an semi-automatic rifle to someone under the age of 21. Many other proposals were brought before the House Select Committee on Community Safety. But, Nexstar reports that these potential laws will have a long road ahead of them.

The Road To Potentially Becoming A Law

Dade Phelan, The Speaker Of The House, told Nexstar in February it will be difficult for any type of an age restriction on guns to pass. Previous efforts in regards to gun control haven't had any progress. Last year, a representative from San Antonio put forth 21 bills for consideration, with none receiving a hearing.

You can read all the bills discussed located here. We also ask the question, are you for or against more gun control in Texas? Let us know your opinion by sending us a message using the chat feature on our station app.

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