Kohl’s is Doubling Military Discount on Veterans Day
If you are already a savvy Kohl's shopper then chances are you're obsessed with their Kohl's Cash system, their coupons and "military Mondays" program. On Monday's Khol's gives military members and veterans 15% off.
On Thursday, November 7th through Veterans Day (Monday, November 11th) Kohl's will be doubling their discount. Yeah, 30% off in stores nationwide. So far this is the best deal we have seen. 30 percent? You have to be kidding. Kohl's will also be giving $10 in Kohl's Cash for every $50 spent. Check out the press release by clicking here.
It's not just Khol's that is taking initiative to help out Veterans. Target will give veterans, and military shoppers a 10% discount, happening now until Monday, Veteran's Day. Target lovers can register for a specific coupon to use at the store.
What are some of your favorite places to shop and enjoy your Military discounts? Tell us about them in the comments below.
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