Say what you will about Li-Lo, but girlfriend is about to cash in big, just by allowing a few cameras follow her around and document her life!

Lindsay lohan at interview
via getty images

According to this article, Lindsay Lohan is supposedly making a big, fat $2 million check for allowing THE Oprah Winfrey's network to not only air an interview between herself and the big O, but also film an 8 part docu-series about the troubled starlet's life. Lohan infamously cancelled her first big "comeback" interview with Barbara Walters last year. However something tells me the paycheck for this gig will be too good for Lindsay to pass up!

Lohan's interview with Oprah will air late this summer, while the docu-series is set to air in 2014. Moral of the story, act like a fool and you can bank big time. Or at least if you were at one time an adorable child star who's seemingly having a quarterlife crisis. (Looking at you Amanda Bynes!)

What do you think? Will you watch LL's new reality documentary series on OWN? Tweet me what you think!

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