New Music This Week on B106
We got to keep you in tune with all the new music!
Asap Ferg was just bounced from the ASAP MOB earlier this week, but that ain't stopping him from dropping new music!
Here he is featuring Nicki Minaj (who's pregnant and isn't in the video) by the way he isn't in the video, BUT! The video is dope:
I'm liking Mulatto a lot!
We've seen her win the competition The Rap Game and here she is out here doing her thing! She's linked with Gucci and remade a previous Gucci hit he once recorded with Lil Kim here is" "MUWOP"
Ok the City Girls got a thing going on right now, and they really aren't stopping especially with JT out of jail, they've linked with Doja cat with a new called "🐈 TALK"
My absolute favorite song out right now, none other than Drake featuring Lil Durk and the video is all that!
It's called: "Laugh Now Cry Later"
Allllllll the new music bangs on CTX's Number One Hip Hop Station B106!
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