Nicki Minaj Sends Love to Comedian Pete Davidson Following Alarming Instagram Post
Saturday Night Live comedian Pete Davidson had his family and friends alarmed following a disturbing post on Instagram uploaded on Saturday (Dec. 15) that reads like the entertainer might have been ready to end it all. He has since been accounted for and is doing fine, leaving those close to him breathing a sigh of relief. Nicki Minaj has suggested those around Davidson give him love in these difficult times.
Pete posted the following message that had people upset and concerned: “I really don't want to be on this Earth anymore. I’m doing my best to stay here for you but I actually don’t know how much longer I can last. All I’ve ever tried to do was help people. Just remember I told you so.”
Addressing Pete and Kanye's recent outward struggles with mental health, Minaj offered on Twitter, "We can be so insensitive. God bless Kanye & Pete. Being flippant about mental illness speaks more about you than them. Stop saying the word love & live it. Love is an action."
The post led some to believe she was going at Ariana Grande, who had tweeted what some thought was an insensitive post directed at Kanye West just a couple hours earlier. Reacting to Pete's alarming post directly, Nicki responded, "Go & give this man some love. My God."
Nicki was unconcerned with those who would falsely turn her tweet into a beef with Grande. "WHO GIVES A FUCK???!!" she posted. "Imagine someone threatening to take their own life & you sitting there worrying about a blog!!!! Y’all rlly don’t care about human beings no more...You don’t have to defend me. I’m not afraid of internet trolls, blogs, artists. I don’t jump on band wagons. Many will never know what it feels like to have a mind of their own."
She also clarified that there was no beef with Grande. "Ariana is my sister, y’all can’t & wont come between us. Go awf," she added.
Check out Nicki's tweets in support of Pete Davidson below.
Nicki Minaj Tweets in Support of Pete Davidson Following Alarming Instagram Post