WOAI radio is reporting a story today about a political activist group here in Texas that is trying to convince voters to put more Democrats in the Legislature in order to save funding for high school football.

The group, Progress Texas, says cuts in public education funding could lead to the demise of Friday night lights — in fact, it already has in Premont, near Corpus Christi. The group says even powerhouse football programs like the one in Odessa Permian have already cut $200,000 out of their program.

The group claims that Republican leaders support school vouchers that allow tax money to go to private schools – therefore starving money away from public schools who will have to cut funding for extra curricular programs like football.

The leader of the group behind all of this, James Moore, says:

We’re always going to be playing football in Texas, but we might be playing it in a sand lot, without uniforms, because there won’t be money to play it any other way.”

I don’t know about you, but I don’t believe any of this. The fact is, high school football is a major money-maker for Texas school districts and it will be the last of the extra curricular activities cut. This does, however, give me the chance to brag about our Sports station 1017TheTicket.com, the place to go for all your high school football coverage in Central Texas.

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