Lindsay Lohan

Michael Lohan Spoke Out About Lindsay’s Arrest Because Of Course He Did
Michael Lohan Spoke Out About Lindsay’s Arrest Because Of Course He Did
Michael Lohan Spoke Out About Lindsay’s Arrest Because Of Course He Did
At some point, we have to wonder if Michael Lohan doesn’t have his daughter arrested just so he has an excuse to give exclusive interviews to the press. It certainly didn’t take him long to spill his guts to the tabloids after LiLo’s most recent bust. And, interestingly, he always seems to know what needs to be done to “help” his daughter.
Outta There
Outta There
Outta There
Lindsay Lohan has lost her long-suffering publicist Steve Honig, who is probably relieved as hell to be rid of the most difficult job in the world: trying to make Lindsay Lohan look good. But surprisingly, the reason he supposedly quit wasn't the continuing antics of LiLo, but rather because of her famewhoring father Michael, who rubbed Steve the wrong way with that surprise intervention last week
Today in Lindsay Lohan
Today in Lindsay Lohan
Today in Lindsay Lohan
In the most recent "Lindsay Lohan continues to be a nuclear mess" news, it's been a very big weekend -- starting when her own father staged an intervention to get her back on the path to soberdom. Normally we'd applaud this, but given Michael Lohan's willingness to sell his daughter out for the price of a pack of Skittles, his motives are, shall we say, questionable.
Putting the ‘FU’ in ‘Dysfunctional’
Putting the ‘FU’ in ‘Dysfunctional’
Putting the ‘FU’ in ‘Dysfunctional’
It's been a couple weeks since Lindsay Lohan had a face-to-face with the boys in blue, so hey, maybe she's turning over a new le--oh wait. Reset your timers, because early Wednesday morning, the wayward actress had a brawl with her mother that resulted in a 911 call. (Seriously, TLC, how does this family not have a reality show?)
Lindsay Lohan Says She Was Bullied as a Kid
Lindsay Lohan Says She Was Bullied as a Kid
Lindsay Lohan Says She Was Bullied as a Kid
Lindsay Lohan is such a willing target that picking on her these days almost seems like kicking a puppy (if the puppy had terrible judgment and a lengthy rap sheet). But according to her, the "bullying" she endures from the press isn't her first go-round with disparaging remarks -- she allegedly dealt with the same thing when she was younger, too.
Lindsay Lohan Fights and Fornicates in Lifetime’s ‘Liz & Dick’ Trailer
Lindsay Lohan Fights and Fornicates in Lifetime’s ‘Liz & Dick’ Trailer
Lindsay Lohan Fights and Fornicates in Lifetime’s ‘Liz & Dick’ Trailer
Oh, that poor Lindsay Lohan. Just when it seems her life has gotten somewhat back on track, there's all manner of hoopla placing her at odds with her role in 'Scary Movie 5,' or compounding Amanda Bynes' recent auto troubles with a light fender-bender of her own. Now, however, the spotlight truly shines on the notoriously stroubled starlet, as Lifetime has released the first official trailer for L