Why Texans Are To Blame For New Deadly Pest Invasion
Texas spring brings a whole lot of beauty to the area like fields of bluebonnets and other amazing wild flowers, but with the warmer temperatures, steady rain, and floral growth there is a full complement of fauna that also reappear, and often they are not the welcome kind.
Read More: Get Ready Texas For The New Season Of Bluebonnets
Trees already have a tough time growing in Texas due to a lot of geographic and topographical obstacles like super hot, drought prone summers and horribly alkalized soil. One of the trees that does well, and also provides a little color in the fall is the Texas Ash Tree, and now it is in danger of disappearing.

Unfortunately, ever since 2016 an incredibly deadly pest named the Emerald Ash Borer has been showing up in Texas, and its spreading throughout the Lone Star State is aided the same way it showed up from Northeast Asia because people are giving it a lift.
Why Texans Are To Blame For New Deadly Pest Invasion
The EAB has been tracked in the United States since 2002 when it was first was spotted in Michigan after most likely entering via Canada. Most ash trees die within 2-5 years after becoming infected with a survival rate as frequently low as 1%.
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Prior to this year, just about all of the counties reporting EABs were in North Texas along and north of I-20. Several of the five newest counties that have been added in 2024 are all directly south of Dallas along I-35 in places like the Waco area, and researchers are confident it is because people are giving them a free ride and exponentially increasing their spread.
There are several invasive insects in Texas, kill all of these immediately!
9 Bugs That You Need to Kill Immediately
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Gallery Credit: Tara Holley