Texas is still fresh into the new year, school is back in session following the holidays, and just in time for our Martin Luther King Jr. holiday, we are about to get smacked with another dose of Polar Vortex that will plunge a lot of the state into much colder conditions than round one produced about a week ago.

Read More: Texas Weather Alert: Storms And Polar Vortex Cold Front

Yes, during the last blast of cold we did wake up for almost a week straight with below freezing temperatures, but we were never really at risk of widespread damage from the cold. In our house, we did not have to let the faucets drip, and I didn't even take the time to winterize the irrigation system.

Why Will Texas Temperatures Be Worse With The Polar Vortex This Time?


Yes, we will most certainly be subzero on the Celsius scale, but there will be areas of Texas flirting with below zero on the Fahrenheit scale too. In fact, here in Central Texas some early predictions for next week are showing potential for a two day stretch where temperatures will fail to get above freezing at all.

Bundle Up Now, Texas Warning Subzero Temperatures OTW

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Thankfully, all the weather predictors are saying we are expected to remain dry through this next cold snap, but that does not mean moisture couldn't sneak into the picture over the course of several days of subfreezing temperatures.

Read More: Surviving Texas Winter: Tips From Locals Facing Icy Challenges

So, now that we know it will be very cold again, will this time be the last, or should we expect it to come in threes like everything else?

Put These 7 Things in Your Vehicle and Stay Safe This Winter in Central Texas

Let's take a look at some of the best-rated emergency items to keep in your car or truck, where you can find them, and how much they cost.

Gallery Credit: Tamme Taylor

The Texas Emergency Numbers You Need to Know

Gallery Credit: Johnny Thrash

Texas Ice Storm 2023 Pictures

Gallery Credit: Noah Sherwood, Aaron Savage