Our news partners KWTX News 10 is reporting that Waco ISD Superintendent A. Marcus Nelson has agreed to a plea deal stemming from his arrest on marijuana possession.

According to the plea deal, Nelson could have his misdemeanor marijuana charge dismissed if he completes a 90-day diversion program. He was also ordered to pay a $500 fine as part of his plea agreement.

"That's a common option we offer to offenders who have cooperated and have no criminal history, If he goes 90 days without any problems, his charge will be dismissed." - Robertson County D.A. Coty Siegart via KWTX

Nelson was arrested earlier this month in Robertson County after a DPS Trooper pulled Nelson's over after he was spotted in the left lane of the highway and not passing other vehicles on Highway 190 south of Hearne. The trooper smelled marijuana and after a vehicle search he was arrested and charged with possession of marijuana less than 2 ounces and was released 12 hours later.

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