When you think of Wings + Horns, "flashy" definitely isn't the first thing that comes to mind, so seeing them pare down a pair of New Balance is no surprise. That's definitely not to say that the Canadian company didn't come up with something special for this collaboration -- simplicity can be stylish too.

The sneaker is treated in high-quality black leather and suede with waxed cotton laces playing into the theme as well. This establishes a luxury feel that is only furthered by elements like a leather lining. Pops of 3M loosen it up a bit too.

The classy runner is set for a Dec. 13 release, but chances are you won't have to look any further than Wings + Horns to find them.

Sole Collector
Sole Collector
Sole Collector
Sole Collector
Sole Collector
Sole Collector

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