Bosslady Linked Up With Queen Naija To Talk New Music and More
"I'mma call up Brian, I'mma Face-time Ryan
I'mma text Lorenzo, and I'mma leave you crying,"
I can't be the only one who sings 'Medicine' at the top of my lungs every time it comes on!
I had the pleasure to check out one of 2018 newest artist Queen Niaja live in concert in Austin and her show was amazing!
Over the last couple of months, Queen has taken the industry by storm with her soulful vocals, raw lyrics and unedited lifestyle that she's allowed the world in on. Her debut track 'Karma' has easily become a staple song for women around the world that's suffering from past relationship hurt so I was eager to see her hit the stage.
Almost 8 months pregnant Queen performed songs from her EP including my favorite track 'Butterflies.' Not only did she throw in her own version of some other popular songs from other artists she did a gospel segment as well.
After her show, I had the chance to catch up with her and discuss new music, collabs and the future birth of her second son.
Check it out below..