How to Play the Great Central Texas Halloween Scavenger Hunt with the B106 App
The Great Central Texas Halloween Scavenger Hunt begins Monday, October 15!
To play, you'll need to download our free app at myb106.com/app/.
Once you've got the app, hit the button that says Halloween Scavenger Hunt to begin.
We've had reports of ghosts and ghouls haunting 30 businesses in Central Texas, and we need your help capturing them! For every creature you catch, you'l earn 100 points and a coupon for the business at which you caught it. Earn 3,000 points and you'll be entered to win $5,000!
Watch the video below for a demonstration of how to play, then scroll down to see all the scavenger hunt locations. Happy Halloween and happy hunting!
IMPORTANT: Visitors to scavenger hunt locations are subject to the business's rules and policies. Scavenger hunt players MAY NOT enter any restricted areas or enter the facility during private parties or events. Neither scavenger hunt players nor any adults or children in tow are entitled to free services at the scavenger hunt location, or any services not explicitly stated in the coupon awarded upon completion of the scavenger hunt challenge.
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