Keep Listening For Your Chance To Win Your Way Into Six Flags Over Texas
When was the last time you went to Six Flags? Before the pandemic, right?
Well, being that we’re at the end of the pandemic and the beginning of summer, we need you to take advantage of all the fun you’ve been missing out on!
We need you to download the B106 app for free in your App Store or Google play and wait on the daily app alerts for your chance to win passes to Six Flags Over Texas!
Get on the legendary Batman, check out the "Dive Bomber Alley", or brave the world's largest loop coaster with the El Diablo. We want to send you there for all the thrills!
Also, I have tickets to giveaway on my show weekdays from 2 PM to 6 PM, so keep listening for your chance to win Six Flags Over Texas passes!
Now that you have the free B106 app, scroll down to see the entry form below and shoot us some contact info. That's all it takes to be entered into our drawing.
If you can't see the entry form below, it's because you're not on the app! Get it here, then tap the Six Flags button on the home screen to be taken here. Then you'll see the entry form.
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