Freedom Country is doing something great for Senior citizens in the Killeen area!

Their team members will volunteer to provide an essential errand running service to pick up prescription drugs, dropping their cars off for service, grocery shopping, and other services as needed.

Weekdays from 8:30 am and 6 pm through April 30th.
If any seniors need assistance please call 254-306-0909.
In a press release sent out today by Freedom Country (Freedom Chrysler Jeep who recently merged with Dodge Country New Cars) their owner Matt Connell stated:

“Our commitment has always been to our community. This is an unprecedented set of
circumstances, and we feel it is our duty to step up and help care for our senior citizens. These are the people that made Killeen what it is today, and we will always be there for them. It is our hope that the situation will have improved by April 30th, but if there is still a need we will continue this service.”

According to the press release, Freedom Country's mission statement is to serve Killeen, being frequent contributors to Rodeo Killeen, the Bell County Rodeo, and Educated Angels.

For more information about the Essential Errand Running Service, call (254) 306-0909.



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