Out of Shape Cities in The US: Which Texas Town Tops the List?
Let's face it, most of us could be in better shape. Yes, I know round is a shape!
Some recent statistics have revealed which cities in the United States have the most couch potatoes, and the city that made the top of the lazy heap in Texas.
Most Out of Shape Cities in America
Exercise is good for you, but not everyone enjoys it. 24/7 Wall St has dropped a list of cities across the nation that hate to exercise, and the state of Mississippi reported the lowest levels of physical activity in the country. Mississippi also had the highest obesity rate in the United States as well.
To determine the least physically active metro area in each state, 24/7 Wall St used data from Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute's County Health Rankings & Roadmaps report. The physical inactivity rate is defined as the percentage of adults aged 20 and over reporting no physical activity during their leisure time.
This Texas City Hates Exercise Most of All
Over 38 percent of adults in Laredo, Texas claim they do not get any exercise. The obesity rate is 41.8 percent in the city, and about 17.8 percent of adults who live there are diabetic. Just over 34 percent of Laredo residents report their health to be poor or fair.
One disturbing statistic that was high across the entire state was the percentage of the population that had access to places for physical activity, but still doesn't exercise. Over 92 percent of the population in Laredo fits that description, while overall in Texas, the number was 80.1 percent.
You can see the full list of statistics from each state at 24/7 Wall St.