Poll Shows Close to 70% Says It’s Time to Legalize Weed
Still on the fence with legalizing marijuana? You may be in the minority.
According to High Times, Quinnipiac just released the results of a new telephone survey of 1,237 adults in America of all ages and political affiliations and found out that close to 70% said it was time to legalize marijuana in America.
That's a huge jump by about 19% from those polled in December of 2012, when they first started asking about legalizing weed.
It looks like legalized marijuana isn't a partisan issue either. 78% of the Democrats they polled were in favor of legalization, as were 67% of Independents and 62% of Republicans.
With those number supporting legalization of marijuana, why is it still illegal? It's still "We the People" right? Apparently not. 17 states have made the ganja fully legal, while it’s still illegal in just six states. The rest have varying levels of legalization or decriminalization.

Here in Texas, CBD Oil is the only thing close to a form of legal weed and it can only be used for medicinal purposes, but it has to be under 0.3% THC. Texas lawmakers passed a hemp bill last year that allowed licensing to hemp farmers and manufacturers.
So when will it be legal or decriminalized here in Texas? According to an article at Green Entrepreneur, Texas lawmakers have filed close to two dozen marijuana-related bills in the Lone Star State including bills that would expand medical marijuana use, up the amount of THC that can be used in cannabis products, and make it legal for adults to use marijuana.
Time will tell if any of the legislation will pass. Meanwhile, support for legalization continues to grow both in the state of Texas and on a national level.