Somebody has too much time on their hands. Rihanna is the newest victim behind the "swatting" phenomenon.

TMZ reports that a 911 call was made falsely claiming that two armed men were inside RiRi's Los Angeles home.

Police arrived at the singer's crib and realized it was another prank. This swatting trend is certainly annoying and has to stop immediately.

The incident comes just a day after Diddy was swatted by jokesters playing on the phone. The rap mogul's $5 million was raided by police after someone called 911 to report an assault with a deadly weapon.

Authorities didn't find anything that day besides their frustrations over the prank.

At least Rihanna has one more thing in common with her boo Chris Brown.

The 'Fine China' crooner was victim of swatting back in January. Again, the prank is the same -- an unidentified caller made a false 911 report and the police found nothing once they arrived at the residence.

The swatting craze is getting to be so out of control that California legislators are considering implementing harsher penalties for anyone who commits the prank. It's time for lawmakers to start applying the penalties now.

Rihanna's rep had no comment on the incident.

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