
‘Batman vs. Superman’ Will Show the Death of Batman’s Parents, Which You Are Totally Not Tired of Seeing
It's just not a movie featuring Bruce Wayne/Batman unless you have the death of Bruce Wayne's parents, thus explaining his mopey origins, is it? Zack Snyder would agree, and so would some new set photos from 'Batman vs. Superman,' which confirm that we will see Thomas and Martha Wayne shot to death yet again, just in case you're not sick of seeing that happen. Seriously? Again? Again-again-again?
Batman: Arkham Knight Set to Bow in June 2015
Batman: Arkham Knight Set to Bow in June 2015
Batman: Arkham Knight Set to Bow in June 2015
It's been a long while since we heard anything of the highly anticipated Batman: Arkham Knight, the last word being that the video game was pushed from its original 2014 release slot into 2015. Now, DC and Warner Bros. Games announced that the final installment has a firm release in June 2015.
Remembering the Phenomena of 1989’s ‘Batman’ 25 Years Later
Remembering the Phenomena of 1989’s ‘Batman’ 25 Years Later
Remembering the Phenomena of 1989’s ‘Batman’ 25 Years Later
‘Batman’ was a big enough moment in popular culture that, at one time, a perfectly reasonable sophomore in high school wanted to permanently attach a logo from a movie onto his only mode of transportation. And no other seemingly reasonable classmates of his were going to publicly disagree with this idea.