Texas to Provide $300 per Week Additional for Unemployed
More relief is on the way for the unemployed here in Texas as part of the “Lost Wage Assistance Executive Order” that President Trump signed recently.
President Trump signed the executive order in early August. It's taken a couple of weeks, but those receiving unemployment benefits should start to see the additional $300 at any time. According to a report from KWTX, the funds will be back dated to August 1st, so those who have been receiving benefits as of Aug. 1 should be seeing a few more dollars.
The additional money being provided through the “Lost Wage Assistance Executive Order” is available to those already receiving at least $100 per week in unemployment benefits as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Texas Workforce Commission spokesperson, Cisco Gamez, says,
“If you are already receiving benefits no new actions are needed, just continue requesting payments as you would normally.”
The additional $300 will not appear on your online claim but will show up in your deposit. According to Gamez,
“Like the previous additional benefit, this amount will not be added to the weekly benefit amount visibly on your account, but will be added when deposited.”
That's good news for those needing the extra boost in income as jobs are still hard to come by.