Veteran Service Groups Must Apply for FVA Grant by October 25
Attention all non-profits benefiting Central Texas veterans: you have until Friday, October 25 to apply for a Fund for Veterans' Assistance (FVA) grant from the Texas Veterans Commission (TVC).
The text below is from a very important news release issued by TVC Public Affairs Officer Jim Halbrook:
AUSTIN, TX – October 25, 2019 at 5 p.m. is the deadline for veteran services organizations to apply for a grant from the Fund for Veterans' Assistance (FVA) of the Texas Veterans Commission (TVC). These grants supporting veteran services are available to eligible non-profit organizations and government agencies. For detailed instructions on how to apply, click https://www.tvc.texas.gov/grants/apply/. Additionally, a webinar on how to apply may be viewed at https://www.tvc.texas.gov/grants/ .
Past grants to organizations ranged from $15,000 to $500,000. Hear grant recipients explain how FVA grants help their missions at https://bit.ly/2mbbOEn .
FVA grants are awarded to non-profit organizations and government agencies for specific services they provide veterans and their families. The grants support a wide range of services for veterans such as housing, food, financial aid, clinical counseling and job skills training. Grants are awarded in the following categories:
- General Assistance – these grants cover the following services or program areas:
Employment: Includes job skills and training programs, job search services and other employment-related services.
Family Services: May include youth programs, family programs, reintegration, and deployment readiness programs.
Financial Assistance: Financial assistance that is short-term and temporary in nature, such as, a one-time utility payment, one-time rental payment, transportation assistance, or child care. One-time assistance payments cover six months or less.
Legal: Includes legal aid, legal clinics and other legal services other than Veterans Courts.
Referral: Services that provide information, and referral programs.
Supportive Services: Support services such as elder care, food delivery programs, financial counseling, and case management.
Transportation: May include transportation assistance and transportation programs.
- Housing 4 Texas Heroes – these grants cover the following services or program areas:
Assistance to families of Veterans at Texas medical facilities: Temporary housing assistance to families of Veterans who are undergoing long-term treatment at a medical facility in Texas.
Home Modification Assistance: Modification, repair, and weatherization projects can include walkways, ramps, doors, windows, flooring materials, sliding doors, handrails and grab bars, or bathroom modifications. (The maximum grant amount for home modification assistance per veteran household is $15,000. Grantees may utilize other revenue streams in addition to H4TXH funding to fund additional projects on a home modification.)
Homeless Veterans Support Programs: Shelter programs, transitional living, temporary housing, rapid re-housing programs.
Veteran Homelessness Prevention Programs: At-risk homeless prevention, long-term rental assistance, case management, wrap-around services
- Veterans Mental Health - these grants cover the following services or program areas:
Clinical Counseling Services: Services that involve interaction with or supervision by licensed mental health professionals. Services may include, but are not limited to: clinical counseling, group sessions, Veteran family member counseling, Post-Traumatic Stress (PTS) services, Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) services, co-occurring diagnosis counseling, or other types of counseling. Please note: applicants will be responsible for providing documentation regarding the licensure of mental health professionals providing services through the Project.
Non-Clinical Support Services: Mental health services provided by a non-licensed mental health professional. Services may include, but are not limited to therapeutic equine, canine or other animal therapy, music, play or dance therapy, personal improvement workshops.
Peer-Delivered Services: Services based upon the premise that an individual with a “lived experience,” in this case military service, is uniquely able to contribute to the rehabilitation and recovery of those needing services. Services could include but are not limited to: operation of Peer Networking centers, support groups, information and referral services, information dissemination, outreach, advocacy, technical assistance, training, and direct services.
- Veterans Treatment Court - these grants cover the following services or program areas:
Veterans Treatment Court grants assist eligible units of local government providing services through Veterans Treatment Court (VTC) programs established under Texas Government Code § 124.001-.006. Veterans Treatment Courts are designed to provide incarcerated veterans the resources and assistance to get their life back on track. The court presents each with an individualized plan to complete over a period of several months. Regular court appearances are scheduled to monitor progress. If the veteran successfully completes the treatment, charges may be permanently removed.
- Veterans County Service Officer - This 5% funding set-aside is available for General Assistance, Housing for Texas Heroes, and Veterans Mental Health grant applications with the Veteran County Service officer listed as the Project Coordinator.
Since 2009, $137 million in grant funding serving 311,000 Texas veterans and their families has been awarded through the TVC’s Fund for Veteran’s Assistance.
Funding for these grants is generated primarily by the Texas Lottery Commission’s games designated for veteran support. Other sources of funding for the grants come from individual donation options on drivers’ licenses, licenses to carry a handgun, outdoor recreation licenses for hunting and fishing, and vehicle registrations.
For more information on FVA grants, visit https://www.tvc.texas.gov/grants/.
Veterans in need of services should call 1-800-252-8387 or visit https://www.tvc.texas.gov/ .
Helping veterans starts here. The Texas Veterans Commission advocates for and provides superior service to veterans that will significantly improve the quality of life for all Texas veterans, their families and survivors. The TVC assists veterans with receiving their benefits, providing funding to agencies which provide direct services to veterans and administration of the Hazlewood Act education benefits. Learn more at www.tvc.texas.gov .
To all the groups here in Central Texas working to better the lives of our veterans, service members, and their families, we thank you for your tireless dedication to the cause and hope this information is helpful to you.

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