What is Operation Phantom Support in Killeen?
I got a chance to talk to John Valentine CEO of Phantom Support in Killeen Monday during a turkey giveaway for listeners to our sister station, MYKISS1031. I was fortunately enough to have a chance to talk to Mr. Valentine, and he took me on a tour of Operation Phantom Support.
From their website:
Our Mission as a non-profit is to provide assistance to our Active Duty Members, Veterans, First Responders, and their families during their times of need. In order to achieve this, we provide a wide variety of different programs that help to support our community.
Valentine was the perfect tour guide. See, the's the founder of Operation Phantom Support.
SFC (ret) John Valentine served 20 years in the Army before retiring and founding OPS, which provides direct help to our service men, women, and veterans by accepting donations to Phantom Corps. These donations provide the charity with funding to operate their programs and help veterans transition back into civilian life while providing food and other essentials to their families in times of need.
Thanks for having us, John! And thank you for everything you do to support out troops, our veterans, and their families.
Find out more about Operation Phantom Support and everything they do at 401 N. 8th Street in Killeen, on their website at phantomsupport.org, and on Facebook at facebook.com/OPSFortHood/.
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