Dress Like a Cow, Eat free at Chick- Fil-a Today until 7pm!
Today only at all Chick- Fil-A's around the country you can eat free if you come dressed as a cow...yes...a cow.
The company announced that any adult customer with any type of cow attire, or a cow spotted accessory will be rewarded at Free Chick-Fil-A Entree.
Cows (or humans dressed as cows) can basically choose from various items on the menu except salads.
You can choose from the SmokeHouse BBQ Bacon sandwich, Chicken Deluxe Sandwich, Grilled Chicken Cool Wrap, and other items that are redeemable you can check out www.cowappreciationday.com
Visit Chick- Fil-a in Killeen at 1400 E. Central Texas Expressway in Temple at 114 N 31st in Temple and 202 Robert Griffin III in Copperas Cove!
Get to Cowing!!!