Ex- Temple High School Teacher Arrested for Improper Relationship With Student
A teacher who worked for Temple high school was arrested last week for an improper relationship with a student KCEN reports.
Cody Weems, a media relations specialist with the Temple Police Department, says TPD got a tip that there was an improper relationship between the teacher Seanna Kathleen Williams and a student back in April.
Temple police opened an investigation and its findings were sent to the District attorney's office for review.
Whatever its findings were, it was enough for the Grand Jury to hand out indictments for an "Improper Relationship between Educator and Student" for Williams and she was arrested and booked into Bell County Jail, where she is being held on $150,000 bail.
First of all, if you want to begin a relationship with a student...DON'T!
Second, if you ever have to (which is NOT recommended) make sure the student (who would be a former student who graduated already) is over 21.
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