Killeen Mom Hosting Community Sleepover to Combat Racism
This is a heartbreaking story as two small children had to learn about racism the hard way.
Our very own Toni Ringgold's 7-year old daughter couldn't attend a sleepover because of her classmate's parents' dislike for black people.
According to the facebook post below here's the exchange that occured:
Because of the sad situation, she is now holding a community sleepover open to ALL RACES.
If you have or know of a little girl who may want to participate, please RSVP via the Eventbrite link below!
FOR 50 YOUNG LADIES, so please RSVP to secure your spot!
Here's a few guidelines:
1. All participants must arrive by 7:30 PM. No exceptions.
2. Parents or Guardians must accompany the child when dropping off. We have an intake form that must be filled out to ensure the safety of each child.
3. Children do not have to spend the night to participate, and parents are encouraged to attend. Please note that DOORS WILL BE LOCKED AT 10:00 PM, so please have your child picked up before then. The only people that will be permitted to be in the building after 10pm are FEMALE volunteers, and participants.
4. Each child will be given a wristband at the time of their arrival, the name of the person picking up the child will be written on the wristband. We will identify the person picking up each child by the name on the wristband and a photo ID....PLEASE MAKE SURE THE PERSON PICKING UP THE CHILD MATCHES THE NAME ON THE WRISTBAND. WE WILL NOT RELEASE THE CHILD IF THE NAME DOESN'T MATCH THE ID....
5. If your child has food allergies, please supply them with dinner and snacks
6. Please have your child dressed in warm pajamas and don't forget their sleeping bag!
7. Please contact (254) 535-7512 if you have any questions
Check out "Community Pajama Jam Slumber PARTY!!!!" on Eventbrite!
Date: Fri, Nov 29, 7:00 PM
Location: PHILEO Event Venue/PHILEO’s
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