Monday Night Football with Trey the Choklit Jok at Chief’s in Killeen!
B106 Hip Hop and R&B Come hang out with Trey the Choklit Jok every Monday
for Monday Night Football at Chiefs Sports Grill in Killeen!
Trey has $200 every Monday to spend on you!
Which means the first 10 people to show up get a $20 gift card to spend that night!
Chiefs is located at 806 Atlas Avenue in Killeen come watch your favorite team
battle it out every Monday. Plus enter to win the B106 Big Game Flyaway where
you can win 2 tickets to any NFL game around the country in weeks 9 or 10, round
trip airfare, hotel stay for 2, and $300 in spending money.
So Come by and watch the game with Trey from 6-8 pm and enjoy $1.50 domestic
mugs, $5.00 appetizers, mozzarella sticks, fried pickles, deviled eggs and $1 raw
Chief's Sports Grill in Killeen is on Facebook and located at 806 Atlas Avenue:
That’s Monday night football hosted by Trey the Choklit Jok and B106!
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