Ever wonder when you posted something on Facebook how after a few minutes its deleted?

Recently Facebook revealed its secret guidelines for what we users can post and you'll be surprised, or not, to see why your post has been deleted.


Checking out the story a few of the guidelines were interesting, for instance:


No nude pictures of kids

While it's adorable to see Johnny's lil booty, Facebook doesn't think so.

That joint will get yanked.


Duh, you can't sell drugs 

Weirdly I have seen some people use code words on facebook selling herb, I don't know how accurate these screeners are tho lol....but like in real life, selling drugs or  trying to sell drugs on the book ....will get that joint will get yanked.


Being Insensitive

If you post stuff about someone's vulnerabilities such as disability or a disease, first of all, shame on you and then yeah....say it with me now:

That joint will get yanked!




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