Should student-athletes be required to take a drug test?
Should student-athletes be required to take a drug test?
A school district here in Texas is now requiring students who want to participate in any extracurricular activities or needing a parking permit to take a drug test.
According to KXXV Bushland ISD’s Goal is to maintain an environment that is safe and free from illegal substance abuse and conducive to learning.
When the upcoming school year begins students in grades 7-12 will be randomly drug tested.
The school district says this is to prevent injury and illness to help enforce a drug-free educational environment, to deter students from illegal use of performance-enhancing drugs and to educate students regarding the harm caused by illegal drugs.
This is expected to go into effect when the new year begins next month, what do you think?
Should school districts do a random drug test for students who want to participate in clubs and sports?
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