Texas Man Infects 3-Year-Old With Multiple STD’s
A very disturbing and heartbreaking story out of South Texas.
According to KSAT-TV, a man in San Antonio was recently arrested and charged with super aggravated sexual assault of a child after he reportedly admitted to infecting a 3-year-old with chlamydia and gonorrhea.
I have never heard of the adjective super being placed before a crime, but if ever there was a case that warranted it, this is it.
The man, identified as 26-year-old Drevon Alexander Perkins, reportedly confessed to police that he was high on drugs, and that the assault took place at his apartment while his wife was at work.
Even if he hadn't confessed, there were indications that something had happened. MySanAntonio.com reports that Perkins has the same STD's reported in the child.
If you ever suspect your child or a child you know is being abused or neglected here in Central Texas, there are places that can help.
Besides the police, there's Aware Central Texas, which is a volunteer arm of Child Protective Services. You can visit them online at awarecentraltexas.org or call (254) 813-0968.
Children's Advocacy Center of Central Texas is another local organization with resources to help investigate these cases and provide rehabilitation services for victims. You can visit their website at cacct.com or call them at (254) 939-2946.
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