Galveston, Texas is filling up with all kinds of tourists visiting from as close as Harris County to as far away as other countries to enjoy the summer along the many historic beaches and piers. One of those visitors was a teen girl from Oklahoma who was wading in waist deep surf with her family when a shark clamped down on her arm, and began pulling her into the gulf waters.

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Damiana Humphrey is 19 and feels very lucky to be alive because her recollection of the attack is very blurry, but she immediately began punching the shark after it sunk its teeth into her left hand and forearm. According to this First Aid Pro article, when a shark attacks you and you do not have a weapon to defend yourself, the most effective actions you can take are gouging the eyes, piercing the gills, or punching it in its nose because it is very sensitive there.

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Amazing Teen Girl Survives Horrific Texas Shark Attack

You can see from the pictures and video that her hand and wrist experienced extensive damage, and required immediate surgery to repair 4 tendons. Humphrey has taken the tragedy very well, and been able to almost laugh off the whole incident.

She also said that she was relieved it was her, and not one of her other family members. She is fully aware and thankful that the entire event was not as severe as it could have been.

Learn more in this Daily Mail article.

Helpful Slithering: Which Snakes Could Help or Harm in Texas?

Not all snakes are bad. Some Texas snakes actually do a lot to help humans out, even if we don't always see or appreciate it. Then again, some snakes can do a lot of harm. Here's a quick rundown.

Gallery Credit: Tommy Paradise, Townsquare Media

Top 14 Exotic Animals That You Can Legally Own in Texas

Texas has an estimated 7.2 million dogs, more than any other state, this according to the American Veterinary Association. Safe to say, dogs are a Texan's best friend. But perhaps you’re interested in branching out a bit and adding a less common exotic pet to your home.

Granted a few of these exotics are regulated and will require permits.

10 Most Dangerous Cities In Texas, "1" Is Closer Than You Think

Data is based on violent crime per 100,000 residents. These are the 10 most dangerous communities in Texas.

Gallery Credit: Noah Sherwood, Aaron Savage

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