Trey the Choklit Jok was on KWTX 10 TV this morning for Stuff the Bus!
Stuff the bus begins today!!!
Stop by any of these locations and drop off school supplies for students of KISD!
There are 2 ways families can request assistance from Stuff the Bus and Killeen ISD:
1) The HARP Program. Parents request through the school their child attends. A backpack with all supplies may be provided to those qualifying HARP students upon request.
2) District parenting educator Brenda Smith. Parents can let their child’s teacher know that supplies are needed and that teacher will send a request through Brenda Smith for supplies and pre-packed backpacks.
Then we’ll end it all for the B106 Block Party at Teleperformance in Killeen 777 North Twin Creek Drive August 12th from 12p-5p.
There will be Vendors, Food Trucks, Bounce houses for the kids, giveaways with great prizes and more!