Troy Volunteer Fire Dept Annual Fish Fry
The Troy Volunteer Fire Department is holding their annual Fish Fry next week and they invite you!
According to their website:
"The Troy Volunteer Fire Department was established in 1956 to provide fire protection for Troy area.
Since then our coverage area has grown as well as the services we provide.
Today we provide Fire protection and Emergency Medical Service for 128 square miles of North East Bell County. We provide service from Green's Sausage house to 317 and from North Temple to past the North Bell county line.
We are an all-volunteer department responding with 19 apparatus responding out of 3 stations"
Now to the Fish!
It will be held March 30th at the Troy Community Center/Fire Station 201 E. Main Street in Troy.
The menu includes Catfish, Beans, Hush Puppies (husssshhhhhh) Coleslaw and of course...tea!
For more information visit their facebook page!
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