If You Have Type O Blood, Your Fellow Texans Need Your Help
Is your blood type O?
Due to critically low levels of blood type O in Texas, blood banks really need your help saving the lives of friends and neighbors here in Central Teas.
There'll be a blood drive in Belton at the Bell County Justice Complex from 10 AM to 2 PM Friday, May 24. They won't be giving away prizes, but you'll be helping save lives here in Central Texas. If you have any questions or concerns, get a'hold of Earl Lloyd at (254) 933-5341.
According to the Texas Blood Institute, one in seven people entering the hospital will need blood, and only 10% of the eligible 38% of the U.S. Population actually donates.
What makes type O blood so valuable is that it can be transfused to any patient of any blood type. How dire is the need? Well, earlier this month the American Red Cross announced that there was only enough type O blood in stock for two days worth of treatment for the entire United States population.
We can do better than that. If you're type O and can make it to the blood drive or donate at your nearest clinic, be the hero we need right now.
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