"Back To School" time can be quite stressful for a lot of families which is one of the reasons we do our "Stuff The Bus" campaign to help those in need. We receive a lot of requests from our B-Squad members, mostly songs, but we received one email that got our entire staffs attention.

 I have a special request from the station as I heard and seen the radio station doing different things to help others no matter if it was someone personally or the community or a local business. This is probably an odd request made by someone but my family and I are at a desperate point right now..... I am in desperate need of help for my family with two kids who needs school clothes from top to bottom and school supplies...I am asking if B106 would be able to help us out to be able to send our children to school with confidence and a smile on their face....

Have a great school year and thanks to all of our amazing listeners for helping us Stuff The Bus!


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