What Happens To Your Phone When You Use FaceApp?
I admit it. I was very tempted to follow the crowd and use FaceApp to make myself look both younger and older. I didn’t do it because my husband (a web guy) said it was probably laden with stuff I didn’t want on my phone. Techcrunch actually took the time to find out what happens to your phone when you use the Russia based app and what they found doesn’t appear to be "too" sinister.
According to FaceApp, the only photo they use is the one selected by the user and it may be stored in the cloud for multiple edit operations by the user. They also say most images are deleted after 48 hours. Faceapp goes on to say that many users do not log in, so they have no way of identifying them.
If you believe them, by all means, make yourself look like your grandmaw or grandpaw. Me? I’ll wait and see the real deal when I look in a mirror in 40 years.