What were the fastest speeding tickets issued in Texas in 2017?
You'd be surprised to find out who got the fastest speeding ticket in 2017 in Texas!
A biker in Coryell County was caught speeding at 181 mph in a 75mph zone on US 90!
Yes, 181 miles per hour wow it has been compared to driving the length of a football field in a second!
Among other tickets issued last year clocked at high speeds:
-A Driver in Williamson County was caught speeding 143 miles per hour in an 80mph zone by a BMW.
-Another biker was clocked going 150 mph in a 70 mph zone in Hays County
-Another biker (geez you bikers are speed demons huh?) was clocked going 156 mph in the same zone in Hays County.
That has been compared the winds of a Category 5 hurricane LOL!
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