Underwear company Tommy John surveyed over 2,000 people on how long they wore their underwear...and yo...

People are nasty..

45% of the people who participated in the survey wear their underwear for more than 2 days.

Of the men and women who answered the questions, it was the men that were 2 1/2 more times likely to skip changing their underwear.

Nothing out of the ordinary here.

But what surprised me was that of the women who were surveyed, 8% of them have worn their underwear for longer than a week.

Can you say UGGGGGGHHHHHHHH?!?!?

The survey also asked participants how long they've had their longest undergarment.

It showed that 38% of people don't know, and 46% still had underwear for one year or more.

Yo..where did they get the people they surveyed?!?

Cmon now...


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